Your one stop shop for all things gold prospecting. From gold pans to GPAA memberships, the Gold Prospectors Association of America's Online Store has you covered!
Great class, very useful information for prospectors on any level. You will leave with a high level of confidence in looking for Gold ! Sean B. Oceanside, US Fun & Educational I thoroughly enjoyed my time learning, being challenged and making new friends. It's not a walk in the park to...
Local prospectors are using very rudimentary tools to extract gold and may gain 3-5 grams per day. Mr. Louis is observing their process.Prospecting in UgandaMiners are prospecting for gold in Uganda and trying to get some gold out of the tailing and soil they obtained from mining processes....
Yet, not until the late summer of 1858 did a “rush” start. Other prospectors were in northeastern Colorado during the summer of 1858. Most famous was William Greene Russell, who led a party of Georgians to the South Platte River that year. Russell had been mining since the 1830s, ...
with a large unrecorded amount produced between 1850 and 1880. Each summer many amateur prospectors work the gold bearing streams throughout the county in perhaps the most rugged region in California. Compared to other California counties little has been officially reported on Siskiyou County and go...
I think everyone is feeling really lucky to be out in some of America’s greatest outdoors, and being free to search for gold and other adventure with no hassles or bad news. Quite a few members are bringing thegoldthey are finding into the office to show off.I am impressed! Some membe...
It was this stark wilderness that 100,000 prospectors tried to cross on foot, and in homemade boats, during the Klondike gold rush of the 1890s. The “stampeders,” as they were known, were desperate to reach the gold fields around Dawson City, but the journey took more ...
Whether you're a new prospector or an old pro the gold pan is still the most important piece of equipment you will ever own. It is one of the first tools used to find Gold and one of the last tools used to clean up your concentrates. In a large operation it is used every day to...
director of operations for theGold Prospectors Association of America, membership in the GPAA has risen sharply over the past few years. Gold Fever Prospecting's Evens puts it in even clearer relief: "Every time the price of gold goes up $100, 10 or 15 new people walk into my store."...
It's just like the western stories of prospectors that one would think are a thing of the past, but things are alive and well in this new gold rush. Even though the technology is changed it's still the same idea, and it's something I should live for now, and not for the ...