Ben Parker: Colorado Gold Placer Mining Hero There was recently a broadcast of a short piece about prospecting in metro Denver with long time fellow prospector and friend JJ Long and me. The local TV station, KDVR 31 runs special interest stories about cool things across the state. When they...
Colorado Gold Ore provides premium quality prospecting equipment and high-grade ore and certified gold paydirt.
Finding Gold In Colorado Posted: November 29, 2015 inUncategorized 6 I thought that I would share this blog post with you. findinggoldincolorado People have been “finding gold in Colorado” since well before there was a place called Colorado and are still actively doing it today.From Native ...
Foster SColorado Nurse
The yellow hunk served as a doorstop in the Reed home until 1802, when Reed’s father learned it was gold. He sold it to a Fayetteville jeweller for $3.50. It was worth thousands. Reed began “prospecting” along and in the stream, with three other partners who put up capital in the...
prospecting sites adjacent to Arizona & Nevada and from Mexico to Death Valley. Yuma, the Colorado River, Picacho, Pot Holes, Glamis, Brawley, Salton Sea, Blythe and Needles are shown. There are gold mining and prospecting sites in Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino and Kern counties. This ...
Springs produced lode gold. If you go to the northeast 25 miles in the El Paso Mountains, all regional gravels contain placer gold, This is a rich area. There are major mines in the area. The Cudahy Camp, Owens Camp, Burro Schmidt's Tunnel, Colorado Camp, etc. all were rich in lode...
Gold Maps Online™ and Google Earth™ lets you see where the active gold claims are located then explore the surrounding areas for promising non-claimed locations. You can generate latitude longitude coordinates for promising prospecting sites, record elevations, distances, grades, note roads and ...
Fee mining sites are places where you can pay a fee to dig for rocks, minerals, gold or gemstones and keep whatever you find. There are many places in the United States where you can pan for gold and have a reasonable chance of finding some. There are al
In western Texas, you won’t find much in the way of opportunities to prospect for gold (although the area is rich in lost treasure tales, lore and legend). That part of the Southwest has yielded relatively few discoveries. Moreover, most potential prospecting sites lie in private hands rat...