For the Pattern Overlay use this seamless noise texture. Simply copy the image in a new PSD file, go to Edit > Define Pattern. For the Stroke layer style use these colors: #ffb414 (location 0%) and #b6922c (location 100%). Add Sparkle and Optical Flare Effect in Photoshop Add in ...
This will add a simple gradient fill to the Background. Double click the second copy Background layer to apply a Pattern Overlay effect with the following settings: Blend Mode:Soft Light Pattern:webtreats_brown_leather.jpg This will add the leather texture to the gradient background fill. Step...
Double click the “Background copy” layer to apply a Pattern Overlay layer style. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply, the Opacity to 70%, and the Scale to 25%. Use the starnetblog_tileable_metal_texture8.jpg image from the 9 tileable metal textures pack, (it is also the second pattern...
Double-click to the right of the Background copy layer name to open the Layer Style dialog. Choose Pattern Overlay from the Styles list on the left. Set the Blend Mode to Soft Light and Opacity to 15%. Now click the down-facing arrow next to the Pattern thumbnail, then click the gear...