① own+ a gold mine 家里有矿 They love money. Pretend like you own a gold mine… Titanic (1997) I own a gold mine. ②He’s like a gold mine. Spun (2002) 他就像个金矿一样,引申为他什么都懂 Wow! This place is a gold mine. Small Soldiers (1998) ③mineral /ˈmɪnərə...
Lesson 55 Not a gold mine并非金矿First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What did the team find? Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been ...
Lesson55 Not a gold mine 一、单词精讲 gold(title)/gəuld/ n.金子 搭配:与形容词搭配 常与“pure”(纯的)、“solid”(纯金的)等形容词搭配,如“pure gold”(纯金)。 与动词搭配 可与“mine”(开采)、“extract”(提取)等动词搭配,如“mine gold”(开采金子)。 arm/a:m/v.武装 引申:在一些语...
The main building on the first to third floors of Gold Mine 928 Top Foot Relief Clubhouse is designed with a modern industrial style as its exterior design concept, leading the unique architectural aesthetics of today's health clubhouses
Themachinewasusedinacaveneartheseashorewhere—itissaid—piratesusedtohidegold.where引导定语从句,先行词是theseashore,可以替换为inwhichitissaid为插入语,意味据说。It‟ssaidthatthehouseishaunted.类似表达:Itisreported据报道 Thepirateswouldoftenburygoldinthecaveandthenfailtocollectit.would和usedto...
1、Lesson 55 Not a gold minegold n. 金子 sth. be made of gold 由金子做成的 gold watch;gold ring;golden sun 金色的太阳 golden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 golden opportunity 宝贵的机会I am honoured to have the opportuneity to do sth. I am glad to have the golden opportunity to do sth. I...
South Africa is well known for its vast mineral wealth and diversity of mining operations. Without doubt, the greatest of these is a description of that operation, using Western Areas Gold Mine near Johannesburg as an example. The paper begins with an introduction to some of the history and ...
Lesson 55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What did the team find? Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has...
Depth of the holes, placement of the holes, ordering of the fuses. And the mine bells, how and where rail was placed and connected, the air trams and various drilling rigs. That mucking machine gave me the heebie-jeebies - OSHA couldn't possibly allow those today, right?...
Lesson55Notagoldmine goldn 金子minen 矿treasuren 财宝revealern 探测器inventv 发明detectv 探测buryv 埋藏caven 山洞seashoren 海岸 piraten 海盗armv 武装soiln 泥土entrancen 入口finallyadv 最后worthlessadj毫无价值的thoroughlyadv 彻底地trunkn 行李箱confidentadj 有信心的 1 goldn 金子sth bemadeofgold 由...