Elden Ring 的多个长 NPC 任务线对解锁游戏所有结局至关重要。其中,秩序时代的结局特别要求玩家完成 Corhyn 兄弟与 Goldmask 的任务线。此任务线赋予游戏深度与趣味性,无需依赖视频指南。Corhyn 兄弟作为被玷污的 NPC,在圆桌会议上等待玩家。他是一位神职人员,提供咒语教学。要启动任务线,玩家需前往...
Brother Corhynis a holy practitioner in Elden Ring who will teach you faith-based incantations at the cost of runes. He also has an important questline that involvesGoldmask, another NPC, and the one who gives you one of theMending Runesto alter your ending. ...