Learn About Leveraged & Inverse ETFs Trading is different than investing. Use our insights and educational resources to make sure you’re ready to trade in Direxion’s Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. Leveraged and Inverse ETF Education Center Educational materials, videos, and self-paced online training...
Leveraged & Inverse ETF Channel Gold Loses Footing Alongside Equities Amid Coronavirus Fears Ben HernandezMar 18, 2020 In a surprise move given its status as an uncorrelated asset relative to equities, gold prices...Invest Beyond Cash Channel NBFC Combines High Income and Lower Volatility in Cre...
Download Samsung KODEX Gold Inverse Futures ETF stock data: historical 280940 stock prices from MarketWatch.
Alternative ETFs in the ETF Database Inverse Equities Category TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return Cheapest SPDN 0.47% $191.7 M 9 M 1.54% Largest (AUM) SQQQ 0.95% $2.1 B 57 M 4.40% Most Liquid (Volume) SPXS 1.07% $395.4 M 68 M 2.71% Top YTD Performer TSLQ 1.1...
of gold rather than owning physical gold. This can lower expenses but addscounterpartyand other potential risks. Some gold ETFs may employ derivative contracts for leverage (e.g., two- or three-times returns) or inverse returns (i.e., the ETF’s price falls when the gold’s value rises)...
Alternative ETFs in the ETF Database Inverse Equities Category TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestSPDN0.58%$136.5 M8 M-1.36% Largest (AUM)SQQQ0.95%$2.3 B48 M-8.67% Most Liquid (Volume)SPXS1.07%$377.8 M60 M-5.57% ...
Brazil Africa Canada Mexico U.S. International Emerging Markets View All Geographies Alternatives View All Alternatives ›› Real Estate ›› REIT Mortgage International Leveraged Real Estate Inverse Real Estate View All Real Estate Commodity ›› Precious Metals Gold Silver Copper Natural ...
MicroSectors Gold Miners -3X Inverse Leveraged ETNs (GDXD) After Market ETF Quotes - Nasdaq offers after market quotes & market activity data for US and global markets.
There are more than a dozengold-specific exchange-traded products availabletoday, including inverse andleveraged ETFs. Keep in mind that you don't own any physical gold when you invest in a gold ETF. You own shares in a gold fund that can be redeemed for their dollar value. ...
Leveraged & Inverse ETF Channel Rising Number of Flu Cases Could Elevate These ETFs Leveraged & Inverse ETF Channel Share Rising Number of Flu Cases Could Elevate These ETFs Ben HernandezFeb 24, 2025 Cases of the flu have reached elevated levels as of late. This could keep healthcare ...