A thumbnail of the Gold gradient will appear in thePresetsarea. Click ok to close the gradient editor. In the Layer Style Dialogue box, change theStyleof the gradient toReflected, This will move the darker gold color to the top and the bottom of the text, with the lighter color in the ...
Very simply put, I wanted to make a rough approximation of the photograph in a CSS gradient. I can’t stress the words _rough approximation_ enough here: we’re literally talking about a few blobs of similar average colours. I was then going to apply this as a `background-image` on ...
You can also rotate, or add new gradient points by double-clicking in the slider. Radial Gradients are typically used for large backgrounds to give a more realistic spotlight. You can achieve interesting results by dragging the points outside the bounds of the canvas. Angular Gradients ...
linear-gradient(to right, #807363 0%, #251d16 50%, #3f302b 75%, #100b09 100%) @@ -79,15 +78,15 @@ }多背景的叠加顺序是这样的,第一个值(本例中是一个实际的图像)是最上面的图片,然后下一个属性放在下一个图层,等等。 多背景的叠加顺序是这样的,第一个值(本例中是一个实际的图像)...