A thumbnail of the Gold gradient will appear in thePresetsarea. Click ok to close the gradient editor. In the Layer Style Dialogue box, change theStyleof the gradient toReflected, This will move the darker gold color to the top and the bottom of the text, with the lighter color in the ...
linear-gradient(to right, #807363 0%, #251d16 50%, #3f302b 75%, #100b09 100%) @@ -79,15 +78,15 @@ }多背景的叠加顺序是这样的,第一个值(本例中是一个实际的图像)是最上面的图片,然后下一个属性放在下一个图层,等等。 多背景的叠加顺序是这样的,第一个值(本例中是一个实际的图像)...
In the same window as the Color Picker, you can switch to the Gradients Tab. In iOS, gradients are often used for app icons, backgrounds and buttons (combined with blur and vibrancy) to add a sense of depth. On the Mac, they’re even more prevalent. You can edit your gradien...
We can define the actual image and its gradient approximation in one go, in one declaration. 简单来说,我想做一个大概跟图片差不多的CSS渐变。我不能强调“大概”这个词是否准确:我们重新讨论几团相似的平均颜色。我当时想把这个作为背景图像的图像本身,然而脑海里的是:噢,不!这张图片已经是一个背景图像...