Foster, RP, Piper, DP (1993) Archaean lode gold deposits in Africa: Crustal setting, metallogensis, and cratonization. Ore Geol. Revs. 8: pp. 303-347Foster R. P. and Piper D. P. Archaean lode gold deposits in Africa: crustal setting, metallogenesis and cratonization. Ore Geol. Rev....
provinces form inboard, by delamination of mantle lithosphere, or plume impingement. Carlin and Carlin-like gold deposits develop at shallow crustal levels (<4 km) in extensional convergent margin continental arcs or back arcs; some provinces may involve asthenosphere plume impingement on the base of...
More gold was also found during test drills around the new site's "peripheral areas," suggesting there are more large deposits waiting to be tapped in the future, experts said. It is hard to keep track of the amount of gold left in the various mines across the world due to fluctuations...
Fluid inclusions, H-O-S-Pb isotopes, and Rb-Sr geochronology of the Augaro gold deposit, West Eritrea, NE Africa: Implications for ore genesis Northeast Africa is an emerging world-class gold province due to the numerous lode gold deposits with Au resources of over 43 Moz discovered in the...
世界最大金矿 : 南非兰德盆地的研究. 1= The Ventersdorp Contact Reef : The Witwatersrand Conglomerate gold deposits in South Africa : 英文 喜欢 0 阅读量: 593 作者: 赵宝金 摘要: 本书是一本系统的兰德金矿的典型矿层——维希阿的研究专著,可对兰德金矿的研究,特别对其地质,地球化学,矿物学,成矿条件...
Controversy has surrounded the formation of the largest gold deposits on Earth in Witwatersrand, South Africa. AsFrimmelexplains in his Perspective, the report byKirket al.should lay the controversy to rest by providing age data for the gold. The results indicate that the gold was brought into...
the gold deposits in Egypt and northern Sudan were found and exploited by Egyptians. The earliest preserved geologic map known as the Turin papyrus was made in 1150 BC to show the location of gold deposits. It is believed that East Africa Metal’s Adyabo Gold Project was the location of ...
Debate surrounds many of the world's largest gold deposits as to whether they benefited from multiple episodes of mineralization. The giant Obuasi gold deposit in western Africa is hosted in metasediments affected by a complex deformation history, with at least three structural stages. We used a ...
In central Victoria, there are particularly well-developed acid volcanic complexes of Late Devonian age, and synchronous peraluminous granites which represent high-temperature crustal melting. Tertiary to Quaternary basalts have covered some of the Palaeozoic gold deposits, and have also covered several ...
attributed to ASGM (Jennings1999; Schwartz et al.2021; Seccatore et al.2014; Uganda-NEMA2019). Across Africa, surface mining, hard rock mining, mechanized cyanidation and hydrometallurgy are the primary techniques used in ASGM depending on the location and value of gold deposits (Table1). ...