Relieve Fungal Acne-works great! I apply the powder around my thighs, neck, and chest at night to put a stop to me scratching my fungal acne cause by eating rice, sugar, and bread. If I wake up after 4hrs of sleeping, I reapply and I am able to sleep. During the day I apply ...
Truong, Analysis of Pathogenic Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms using the Combination of Synchrotron ATR-FTIR Microspectroscopy and Chemometric approaches, Biofilm (2021). Google Scholar [70] S.J. Parikh, J. Chorover ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy Reveals Bond Formation During Bacterial Adhesion to Iron Oxide ...
damage of the fungal cell membrane, and leakage of intracellular contents. Notably, no significant RBCs hemolysis at candidacidal doses of tested nanosystems was detected. Conclusions: The results provide rationale for the development of gold nanoparticles of rod-, peanut-, and star-shaped conjugated...
The Powder X-ray Diffraction measurements were performed using a Rigaku Ultima IV (Tokyo, Japan) instrument with a sample to detector distance of 185 mm, using the CuKα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). The diffraction patterns were recorded with 5°/min, in the 2θ interval between 10 and...
A portion of about 10 g of the powder was boiled with 0.1 L of distilled water, in general, using a hot percolation method. Then, the infusion must be filtered to obtain a clear extract solution. A few mL of this plant extract, a solution of AgNO3 1 mM was added, and the ...
powder obtained after drying was analyzed via the FTIR method. Because the statin was extracted from the pharmaceutical forms, the purification of the active compound was ensured. Later, stock solutions were prepared in a concentration of 30 µM by dissolving the powder in a mixture of 0.1 M...