Due to their simplicity and unnecessity of laboratory-based requirements, all these systems have a clear potential to become portable sensors and to be applied for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics. A good example has been developed by Wu et al. (Fig.7e) to detect occult blood in urine, com...
Arginine is also applied to detoxify the blood ammonia, and it is also involved in many pathways. A recent study reported a method for the quantification of arginine by using Ag NPs. In particular, Ag NPs conjugated with arginine reacting with an excess of Pb2+ ions forming a complex; ...
BPaRseeffdeoctn, pthhearEmPaRceeuffteiccat,l pharmaceutical nanoparticles with a higher circulation time in the blood are collected in tumor tissues with enhanced vascular permeability, and this tool is commonly used for selective drug Pharmaceuticals 2020, 13, 192 4 of 18 Pharmaceuticals 2020, 13...
Secondly, the SPR absorption of the gold nanorods can be easily tuned to the near-infrared (NIR) window (650–1350 nm) [20,21] where light can penetrate more deeply because of scarce absorption by tissues and blood [22]. Lastly, the gold nanorods can be more easily modified by the ...
. Blood, faeces, urine, tissues, and organs including liver, spleen, lung, heart, kidney, brain, small intestine (duodenum), fat, skeletal muscle (quadriceps femuris) and tail were collected for gold determination by GFAAS. All organs were washed in 0.1 mM phosphate buffer, pH=7.4 and ...
Interaction of gold nanoparticles with common human blood proteins. ACS Nano 2010, 4, 365–379. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 26. Mulder, F.A.A.; Schipper, D.; Bott, R.; Boelens, R. Altered flexibility in the substrate-binding site of related native and engineered high-alkaline Bacillus subtilis...
ProteomTeos 2d0e17m, 5o,n1strate the feasibility of our strategy, we chose human α-thrombin as a target pro5teofin8 because of its important role in the blood clotting process. A 15-mer DNA aptamer that could bind to theTofidbreimnoognesntrasitteetohfetfheraosmibbiliintywoafsousresd...
In a third approach, an atomic layer electrodeposition (ALED) procedure was used to coInntraoslttuhdeygbroywYt.hXoufetehteaPl.t,.aFcirosmt, pPltewx aalsloeylewctraoscuhseemdi.cAalnlyAdue2p0oCsuit4e8dA,ga7nPddt5hSei2n0 amcaaspte- r apllionyg wlaayserproefphayreddrobgyenarwc-amsepl...