World's largest mining claim inventory. Find Gold & Silver Mines for Sale, Mining Equipment, Mine Jobs, and the Latest Mining News updates.
H., 1967, Variation in gold content of minerals of the Marysville quartz diorite stock, Montana: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 31, no. 2, p. 225-235.Mantei E J,Brownlow A H.Variation in gold content of minerals of the Marysville quartz diorite stock Montana. Geochem et Com smochem...
As a rule of thumb, one can figure that whenever a mineral has monetary value to a person and/or society, it is most likely subjected to mineral rights ownership. There are four main types of mineral right ownership. First is aunified estate, where one person or entity owns the surface ...
Available For Sale, Lease or Joint Venture: a premium group of non-patented placer gold claims located in Cedar Creek Mining District, Mineral County, Montana. The claims are located in the historically proven gold-bearing area of Oregon Creek known as the Big Flat: the location of one of ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook gold reserve Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Banking & Finance) the gold reserved by a central bank to support domestic credit expansion, to cover balance of payments deficits, and to protect currency Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
Mascot Silver-Lead Mines[OTC:MSLM]- Little Pittsburgh Mine in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District and Argentine and Edelweiss claims southeast of Helena, Montana Masivo Silver[TSX-V:MASS]- El Colomo Mining District, Sierra Madre, Mexico
reported the completion of an NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for the Columbia Project, located near Lincoln, Montana. The estimate establishes a measured and indicated mineral resource of 16.6 million tons grading 0.045 oz/ton gold containing 741,680 ounces of gold. In addition, ...
"There are still areas where you may prospect, and if a discovery of a valuable, locatable mineral is made, you may stake a claim. These areas are mainly in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North...
These are crystals of Calaverite - a gold, silver and tellurium mineral. This is very high grade gold ore from the Cripple Creek district in Colorado. Many old time miners mistook this type of mineral for low grade sulfides, but this silvery metallic material probably is 40 percent gold by...
He was also General Manager at an engineering company that specialized in gold heap leach and carbon-in-pulp plants. Mr. Pangbourne holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Extractive Metallurgy) and a Graduate Diploma in Mineral Processing from the Western Australia School of Mines....