第二个问题就是“defer file.Close()” 写在for 循环中,那么按照defer的特性,将在函数requestAndWriteFile return之前执行多个defer,越先出现的defer越后执行。多次循环后打开的文件数就超过了系统限制,就会报错“too many open files”。 解决办法是:对于http请求导致“socket: too many open files”,采用公用的 ...
too many open files(打开的文件过多)是Linux系统中常见的错误,从字面意思上看就是说程序打开的文件数过多,不过这里的files不单是文件的意思,也包括打开的通讯链接(比如socket),正在监听的端口等等,所以有时候也可以叫做句柄(handle),这个错误通常也可以叫做句柄数超出系统限制。 引起的原因就是进程在某个时刻打开了...
fmt.Println("open error") }deferfiles.Close()//n := bufio.NewReader(files)//for {// a, _, c := n.ReadLine()// if c == io.EOF {// break// }// fmt.Println(string(a),"aaa")// url <- string(a)//}n := bufio.NewScanner(files)forn.Scan(){ fmt.Println(n.Text()) u...
在服务器上没什么问题(有问题没暴露),但是在本地机器上出现too many open files 查因 这是一个unix上一个比较常见的错误,问题是怎么出现的呢,明明已经限制的协程的数量。怎么会出现过多的socket连接导致文件数超限。 通过获取进程打开文件数 明显看到socket的数量明显多于预期。什么原因导致没有关闭连接 检查代码发现...
goroutine 的数量受系统资源的限制(CPU、内存、文件描述符等)。如果 goroutine 中只有简单的逻辑,理论上起多少个 goroutine 都是没有问题的,但 goroutine 里面要是有创建网络连接或打开文件等操作,goroutine 过多可能会出现too many files open或Resource temporarily unavailable等报错导致程序执行异常。
Using MacOS with Go 1.20 error, no issue in 1.19.5 What operating system and processor architecture are you using (go env)? go envOutput $ go env GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="arm64" GOBIN="" GOCACHE="/Users/name/Library/Caches/go-build" GOENV="/Users/name/Library/Application Support/go...
This will leave you with ./glide, which you can put in your $PATH if you'd like. (You can also take a look at make install to install for you.) The Glide repo has now been configured to use glide to manage itself, too. Usage $ glide create # Start a new workspace $ open glid...
in the early stage. Back then, he was a newcomer at Google, and Rob invited Russ for joining the Go team since he knew Russ from way back because of thePlan 9project. Russ did many fundamental work for the early Go compiler, runtime, as well as the leap of Go 1.5 bootstrap. Now...
在Go中实现可恢复的异常系统 https://rauhl.com/2019/06/implementing-a-resumable-exception-system-in-go/ gocn_news_2019-06-12 [译] Go 内存分配器可视化指南 https://www.linuxzen.com/go-memory-allocator-visual-guide.html Sugar:给 Go 项目的日志打印工具加点糖 https://github.com/chalvern/sugar...
// there we will return a meaningful "too many open files" error.341 func concurrentThreadsLimit() int { 342 var rlim syscall.Rlimit 343 if err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim); err != nil { 344 return 500 ...