antd pro API VIM Snippet 更新成 swagger 格式 直接开搞,先生成 docs 看看格式。是否可以直接用 nginx 发布。 Makefile 参考 注释规范参考 代码参考 gin.BasicAuth 为生产环境 Swagger ...
总的用下来,我们的感觉是swag工具确实是golang中生成openapi v2(swagger)文档的一个好用的工具,生成逻辑清楚,定义也较为简单,一些细节的地方需要更新,另外执行过程的透明度要增强,让这个工具更加能贴合普通用户的使用。
it.Type ="array"it.Format =""it.Items = typeToItems(pidl, t.ValueType) }elseift.IsEnum(pidl) {// SWAGGER-BUG:Enums cannot be delared in a schemait.Type ="string"it.Format =""it.Enum =make([]interface{},0) e := pidl.FindEnum(t.Name)ife !=nil{for_, x :=rangee.Values...
Inconsistent calling of type-defined methods:Due to "json" and its use of Go reflection, theMarshalJSONandUnmarshalJSONmethods cannot be called if the underlying value is not addressable (#22967,#27722,#33993,#55890). This is surprising to users when their declaredMarshalJSONandUnmarshalJSONmeth...
GolangCI-Lint is a linters aggregator. It's fast: on average5 times fasterthan gometalinter. It'seasy to integrate and use, hasnice outputand has a minimum number of false positives. It supports go modules. GolangCI-Lint hasintegrationswith VS Code, GNU Emacs, Sublime Text. ...
cannot find type definition: gorm.Model 最终解决方法:(感谢 “莫路用的扁友” 大神的反馈) swag init --parseDependency --parseInternal --parseGoList=false --parseDepth=1 以下是纠结的过程,不看也罢。 ...