golang-rest-api-templateOverviewThis repository provides a template for building a RESTful API using Go with features like JWT Authentication, rate limiting, Swagger documentation, and database operations using GORM. The application uses the Gin Gonic web framework and is containerized using Docker....
Golang Clean architecture REST API example with a comprehensive real project. It uses docker, docker compose, redis, elasticsearch, kibana, filebeat, postgresql, prometheus, grafana. also use gin, gorm, viper, zerolog, zap, validator, dynamic search, swagger and JWT ...
In this tutorial I am going to show you how I created a RESTful API for a hypothetical phonebook application and how you can create your own APIs based on this example. All the code is stored ongithub. Disclaimer This is a project to learn Go myself The storage of data (database) and...
使用GraphQL 和 Golang 构建 REST APIhttps://medium.com/@digvijay17july/building-rest-apis-with-graphql-and-golang-aee42bc85fb4 如何动态解析JSON数据https://medium.com/@peterbi_91340/decoding-of-dynamic-json-data-1d4e67318661 Zap日志库综合指南https://betterstack.com/community/guides/logging/g...
In this tutorial, I have shown you how to build a REST API using Golang and Gin. I led you through writing a unit test for each endpoint, and setting up a continuous integration pipeline for it using GitHub and CircleCI. I hope you can apply what you have learned to your own team’...
Rest API返回的payload,最好带有links, 对restful客户端比较友好。 10. 一条命令生成自己的应用 这个示例的名称是blog,唯一的entity是post。post这个字眼出现在文件名,以及很多代码文件内容中。可以修改替换scripts/reborn.sh中,new-text字符串为适合你的项目的string,然后运行reborn.sh,就可以瞬间生成你需要的应用。
Standard Go Project Layout- Go 项目目录结构示例 go-starter- Adobe 的 Go 工程模板 go-clean-arch go-rest-api- Go RESTful API Starter Kit Create Go App CLI- 通过命令行创建前后端项目的开发骨架 clean-gin- 基于 Gin 构建的整洁架构项目骨架 golang-repo-template- 一个包含了很多实践的项目模板 DDD ...
snake - 业务API框架 项目骨架 Standard Go Project Layout - Go 项目目录结构示例 go-starter - Adobe 的 Go 工程模板 go-clean-arch go-rest-api - Go RESTful API Starter Kit Create Go App CLI - 通过命令行创建前后端项目的开发骨架 clean-gin - 基于 Gin 构建的整洁架构项目骨架 golang-repo-templat...
Using the Azure SDK for Golang - Virtual Network Management Librarynetwork/armnetworkfor theAzure Virtual Network API Prerequisites anAzure subscription Go 1.18 or above Quickstart Clone the repository. git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-sdk-for-go-samples.git ...
Using the Azure SDK for Golang - Service Fabric Management Libraryservicefabric/armservicefabricfor theAzure Service Fabric API Prerequisites anAzure subscription Go 1.18 or above Quickstart Clone the repository. git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-sdk-for-go-samples.git ...