分布式任务队列 Celery Asynq: Golang distributed task queue library 异步任务处理系统,如何解决业务长耗时、高并发难题? Asynq: simple, reliable & efficient distributed task queue for your next Go project Asynq: Golang distributed task queue library...
消息队列(Message Queue),一般来说知道的人不少。比如常见的:kafka、Rabbitmq、RocketMQ等。 任务队列(Task Queue),听说过这个概念的人不会太多,清楚它的概念的人怕是更少。 这两个概念是有关系的,他们是怎样的关系呢?任务队列(Task Queue)是消息队列(Message Queue)的超集。任务队列是构建在消息队列之上的。消...
Message 消息 由消息头和消息体组成 Queue 队列。消息的存放容器,先进先出 Exchange 交换器。 分发消息,将消息路由给服务器中的队列 Channel 信道 Virtual Host 虚拟主机 官网 Rabbitmq官网 AMQP客户端 The Go RabbitMQ client library 以下内容代码地址 go-rabbitmq-tutorial 如果对你有帮助,帮忙点个小星星star谢谢...
queue waiter at the head of wait queue.// skipframes is the number of frames to omit during tracing, counting from// runtime_SemacquireMutex's caller.// SemacquireMutex 跟 Semacquire类似,不过是为了互斥锁特殊优化的,// 如果lifo为true直接将当前goroutine放在...
Github地址GitHub - hibiken/asynq: Simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go 可靠、简单、高效的分布式任务队列。 运行实例: 十、消息传递 NSQ 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐ GitHub地址:https://github.com/nsqio/go-nsq NSQ 拓扑
("queue","test-queue","Ephemeral AMQP queue name")bindingKey=flag.String("key","test-key","AMQP binding key") )funcinit() {flag.Parse() }funcmain() {taskN:=10000rets:=make(chanstring,taskN)m:=graceful.NewManager()// define the workerw:=rabbitmq.NewWorker(rabbitmq.WithAddr(*uri)...
artifex - Simple in-memory job queue for Golang using worker-based dispatching. async - An alternative sync library for Go (Future, Promise, Locks). async - A safe way to execute functions asynchronously, recovering them in case of panic. breaker - Flexible mechanism to make execution flow ...
circle - Go interface to the libcircle distributed-queue APIdmrgo - Library for with Hadoop Streaming map/reducedoozerconfig - Go package for managing json-encoded configuration in Doozerdoozerd - A consistent distributed data storeeventsource - Server-sent events for net/http server....
中间件 RPC 消息队列 文件/存储 模板引擎 缓存 表单 图形处理 图表 代码分析 安全 Kubernetes 微服务 Se...
Excelize 2.8.0 发布https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/162ucvp/excelize_280_released_powerful_opensource_library/ 使用Go实现traceroute工具https://colobu.com/2023/05/03/write-the-traceroute-tool-in-Go/ 「Go工具箱」adrianbrad/queue:一个线程安全的、支持泛型的多种队列实现库https://mp.wei...