1.Unix Time概述 UnixTime是自1970年1月1日00:00:00UTC至当前时间经过的总秒数。下面的代码片段演示了如何基于时间对象获取到Unix 时间。 2.获取时间戳 packagemainimport("fmt""time")funcmain(){// 获取当前时间now := time.Now()// 秒级时间戳timestamp := now.Unix()// 毫秒时间戳 Go1.17+milli ...
1、 time包 2、 time.Time类型,用来表示时间 3、 获取当前时间,now:=time.Now() 4、 time.Now().Day(),time.Now().Minute(),time.Now().Month(),time.Now().Year() 5、 格式化,fmt.Printf(“%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d%02d”,now.Year()...) 6、 time.Duratime用来表示纳秒 7、 一些常量: +...
"runtime" ) funcmain(){ fmt.Print("Go runs on ") switchos:=runtime.GOOS;os{// 将 os 与 case 条件匹配 case"darwin": fmt.Println("OS X.") case"linux": fmt.Println("Linux.") case"plan9","openbsd":// 多个条件命中其一即可(OR) fmt.Println("plan9 | openbsd") default: // fre...
now := time.Now() for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ { wait.Add(1) go func(i int) { mutex.Lock() time.Sleep(time.Second) mutex.Unlock() defer wait.Done() }(i) } wait.Wait() duration := time.Since(now) fmt.Print(duration) } 结果:可以看到整个执行持续了 3 s 多,内部多个协程已...
") result2, err := stmt.Exec("zhangsan", "pro", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")) 我们分析下它的做法: 先在Prepare里,把插入的数据的 value 值用?占位符代替,有几个 value 就用几个? 再Exec里面,把 value 值给补上,和?的数量一直即可。 ok,妥了,整明白了。那我们就按照这 2 部拆分...
runtime.SetCPUProfileRate 最终调用到了 setThreadCPUProfiler 函数,该函数使用 time_create 开启了一个定时器,并设置定时器间隔时间是1s/100=10ms;该定时器会每 10ms 向所在线程定时发送 SIGPROF 信号,代码如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // runtime/signal_unix.gofuncsetThreadCPUProfiler(hz int32){mp:=get...
() now = int(time.time()) log_item.set_time(now) contents = [('__time_nano__', str(now)), ('__name__', metric_name), ('__value__', str(value))] labels_str = '' for i, kv in enumerate(sorted_labels): labels_str += kv[0] labels_str += '#$#' labels_str += ...
As much as possible, all dependency injection work is done at the time of binding and initialization so that the invoke function operates with very little overhead. The chain is initialized when the initialize function is called. The chain is run when the invoke function is called. Bind() ...
(123) startTime := time.Now().Unix() //秒 fmt.Println(startTime) //nowUnix = now.UnixNano() //纳秒 //fmt.Println(nowUnix) test() endTime := time.Now().Unix() fmt.Println(endTime - startTime) } func test() { str := "" for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ { str += ...
=nil{logrus.Errorf("err:%s ",err) }else{eng:=engine.NewGengine()start:=time.Now().UnixNano()// true: means when there are many rules, if one rule execute error,continue to execute rules after the occur error ruleerr:=eng.Execute(ruleBuilder,true)end:=time.Now().UnixNano()iferr!