先将map转换成JSON,再通过 JSON 转换成struct 操作有点繁琐 func TestMapToStructByJson(t *testing.T) { beforeMap := map[string]interface {}{ "id":"123", "user_name":"酒窝猪", "address":[]map[string]interface{}{{"address": "address01"}, {"address": "address02"}}, } var afterSt...
先将map转换成JSON,再通过 JSON 转换成struct 操作有点繁琐 funcTestMapToStructByJson(t*testing.T){ beforeMap:=map[string]interface{}{ "id":"123", "user_name":"酒窝猪", "address":[]map[string]interface{}{{"address":"address01"},{"address":"address02"}}, } varafterStruct=UserInfoVo{...
网络上还有一种方法是使用 structs 包,不过我看了下,该依赖包已经三年没更新了 二、struct, json 互转 1. struct 转 json func TestStructToJsonByJson(t *testing.T) { before := time.Now() marshal, _ := json.Marshal(User) fmt.Println(time.Since(before)) fmt.Printf("%s", marshal) } 116...
Go:Go没有类的概念,而是使用结构体(structs)来组织数据。结构体是一种用户自定义的数据类型,它可以包含字段(fields)和方法(methods)。Go不支持继承,而是使用组合来复用代码。方法可以在结构体上定义,但与结构体本身没有紧密关联。 先看Golang的: // 定义people结构体 type People struct { Title string Age uint...
3. map不常见但也值得思考的一些点 3.1 什么值可以做map的key?为什么?float可以吗? key 可以是很多种类型,比如 bool, 数字,string, 指针, channel , 还有 只包含前面几个类型的 interface types, structs, arrays 原因:As mentioned earlier, map keys may be of any type that is comparable. The language...
// Structstype ViewData struct { User User}type User struct { ID int Email string HasPermission func(string) bool}// Example of creating a ViewDatavd := ViewData{User: User{ID: 1,Email: "curtis.vermeeren@gmail.com",// Create the HasPermission functionHasPermission...
Even if we try to delete a key that is not present in the map, there will be no runtime error. Map of structs So far we have only been storing the currency name in the map. Wouldn’t it be nice if we are able to store the symbol of the currency too? This can be achieved by...
v := reflect.ValueOf(obj)vardata =make(map[string]interface{})fori :=0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { data[strings.ToLower(t.Field(i).Name)] = v.Field(i).Interface() }returndata } 使用第三方库 第三种方法是使用第三方库github.com/fatih/structs,他提供了比较丰富的函数,让我们可以像pyt...
网络上还有一种方法是使用structs包,不过我看了下,该依赖包已经三年没更新了 二、struct, json 互转 1. struct 转 json funcTestStructToJsonByJson(t*testing.T){before:=time.Now()marshal,_:=json.Marshal(User)fmt.Println(time.Since(before))fmt.Printf("%s",marshal)} ...