type Node struct {value int}type Graph struct {nodes []*Node // 节点集edges map[Node][]*Node // 邻接表表示的无向图lock sync.RWMutex // 保证线程安全} 操作实现 // 增加节点func (g *Graph) AddNode(n *Node) {g.lock.Lock()defer g.lock.Unlock()g.nodes = append(g.nodes, n)}// ...
type Graph struct { nodes []*Node // 节点集 edges map[Node][]*Node // 邻接表表示的无向图 lock sync.RWMutex // 保证线程安全 } 操作实现 // 增加节点 func (g *Graph) AddNode(n *Node) { g.lock.Lock() defer g.lock.Unlock() g.nodes = append(g.nodes, n) } // 增加边 func (...
Golang 在控制流中存储数据https://research.swtch.com/pcdata Go语言开发者的Apache Arrow使用指南:高级数据结构https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WgeTzhP4T0AAjFssHz36UA 使用Golang探索图数据结构https://towardsdev.com/exploring-graph-data-structure-with-golang-bedb0c7b983b Golang和数据流:构建实时数据管...
graph 十字链 Nov 11, 2019 greedy 贪心算法 Dec 6, 2019 knapsack feat:二分法 Aug 1, 2019 other 思考排序与不借用中间值交互值 Sep 27, 2019 queue 环形队列 Nov 8, 2019 recursive 添加算法实例,leetCode第一题 Sep 26, 2019 simpleFactory feat:二分法 Aug 1, 2019 sort 排序总结 Nov 14, 2019 stri...
133. 克隆图 Clone Graph 🌟🌟 134. 加油站 Gas Station 🌟🌟 135. 分发糖果 Candy 🌟🌟🌟 Golang每日一练(leetDay0046) 136. 只出现一次的数字 Single Number 🌟 137. 只出现一次的数字 II Single Number II 🌟🌟 260. 只出现一次的数字 III Single Number III 🌟🌟🌟 Golang每日...
示例10: NewTaskGraphStructure ▲点赞 1▼ funcNewTaskGraphStructure()*TaskGraphStructure{return&TaskGraphStructure{make(map[int]*Task,0), mat64.NewDense(0,0,nil), mat64.NewDense(0,0,nil), } } 开发者ID:jmptrader,项目名称:gautomator,代码行数:7,代码来源:taskhandler.go ...
Now, since we eliminated the cycle in this graph, we can say that we have a valid tree. It has a **root** with the name A, with a total of 7 **nodes**. Node A has 3 **children** (B, D & F) and those have 3 children (C, E & G respectively). Therefore, node A has...
skizze - probabilistic data-structures service and storage. Multiple Backends. cachego - Golang Cache component for multiple drivers. cayley - Graph database with support for multiple backends. dsc - Datastore connectivity for SQL, NoSQL, structured files. gokv - Simple key-value store abstraction...
// GridScale determines what scale should be used on the graph, for// both the X and Y axesfunc(n *New)GridScale(columnstring, gridCountfloat64)float64{ xsort :=make([]float64,len(n.Xvalues)) ysort :=make([]float64,len(n.Yvalues))copy(xsort, n.Xvalues)copy(ysort, n.Yvalues...
dolt - Dolt – It's Git for Data. eliasdb - Dependency-free, transactional graph database with REST API, phrase search and SQL-like query language. godis - A Golang implemented high-performance Redis server and cluster. goleveldb - Implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in Go...