os.Getwd()获得执行命令时的绝对路径 translates to a system call. It's your shell and OS that's responsible for the values.Getwd returns a rooted path name corresponding to the current directory os.Getwd() 打印的是执行命令时的路径 root@path1 # command// 此时 os.Getwd() 得到path1root@path...
= nil { log.Fatalln("get current directory failed.", err) } fileName := filepath.Join(dir, "pprof", "profile_file", "profile_file") f, _ := os.Create(fileName) // start to record CPU profile and write to file `f` _ = pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) // stop to record CPU profi...
At the command line, usego getto add the github.com/gin-gonic/gin module as a dependency for your module. Use a dot argument to mean “get dependencies for code in the current directory.” 在命令行窗口,使用go get命令来为你的模块添加github.com/gin-gonic/gin模块依赖。使用点参数意味着"为...
Build Error: go build -o c:\Users\WANGY0L\Desktop\Golang\__debug_bin.exe -gcflags all=-N -l c:\Users\WANGY0L\Desktop\Golang go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules' (exit status 1) 2.1 go.mod Go.mod文件位于项目的根目录下,...
u, err := user.Current()iferr !=nil{return"unknown-user"}returnstrings.Replace(u.Username," ","-",-1) } 开发者ID:WeavingCode,项目名称:syncthing,代码行数:7,代码来源:build.go 示例6: cacheDirectoryAbsolutePath ▲点赞 1▼ funccacheDirectoryAbsolutePath()(pathstring, err error){ ...
The directory where the go command will store cached information for reuse in future builds. GOMODCACHE The directory where the go command will store downloaded modules. GODEBUG Enable various debugging facilities. Seehttps://go.dev/doc/godebug ...
init initialize new moduleincurrent directory tidy add missing and remove unused modules vendor make vendored copy of dependencies verify verify dependencies have expected content why explain why packages or modules are needed Use"go help mod "formore information about acommand. go mod 有...
1.下载golang源码安装包 代码语言:javascript 复制 wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz 2.解压文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 tar-zxvf go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz-C/usr/local/bin/ 3.配置环境变量 代码语言:javascript ...
=nil{returnfmt.Errorf("couldn't load kernel32.dll")}defersyscall.FreeLibrary(kernel32)initDllPath(kernel32)//检查dll path是否存在并initifhaveSearch,_:=syscall.GetProcAddress(kernel32,"AddDllDirectory");haveSearch!=0{// if AddDllDirectory is present, we can use LOAD_LIBRARY_* stuff with ...
The directory where the gocommandwill store cached informationforreuseinfuture builds. GODEBUG Enable various debugging facilities. See'go doc runtime'fordetails. GOENV The location of the Go environment configuration file. Cannot besetusing'go env -w'.GOFLAGS ...