Event-driven network framework in Go Goevprovides a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, I/O event-driven networking framework for the Go language. It draws inspiration from the design patterns ofACEand provides an elegant and concise solution for TCP network programming projects. With goev...
你说的DDD,领域驱动设计(Domain-Driven Design),这个思想吧,听起来高大上,干起来有点费劲——但!
使用Vertical Slice Architecture作为高级架构 在RabbitMQ Message Broker之上使用Event Driven Architecture和自定义事件总线 在目录读取服务中使用基于CRUD的Data Centeric Architecture 在Event Sourcing服务中使用Audit Based,如订单服务 在Go-MediatR库上使用CQRS Pattern和Mediator Pattern 在uber-go/fx库上使用Dependency I...
The framework's design has been completely overhauled, and this version was built from the ground up. It includes: Significant API Improvements: The gen.Process, gen.Node, and gen.Network interfaces have been enhanced with numerous convenient methods. A New Network Stack: This version introduces ...
Event-driven architecture in Golang is an approach used to develop applications that shares state changes asynchronously, internally, and externally using messages. EDA applications are better suited at handling situations that need to scale up quickly and the chances of individual component failures are...
Commander - A high-level event driven consumer/producer supporting various "dialects" such as Apache Kafka. Confluent Kafka Golang Client - confluent-kafka-go is Confluent's Golang client for Apache Kafka and the Confluent Platform. dbus - Native Go bindings for D-Bus. drone-line - Sending ...
领域驱动设计(Domain-Driven Design,简称 DDD)是一种软件开发方法,其核心在于专注于软件项目的核心业务领域,并且围绕这个核心业务领域构建软件。 DDD 强调的是深入理解业务领域的复杂性,并通过建立一个丰富的、反映业务概念的模型来指导软件设计,从而实现业务与技术的紧密结合。 2.DDD是为了解决什么问题? 领域设计主要是...
It is said that event-driven nonblocking model is not the preferred programming model in Go, so I use "one goroutine for one client" model, but is it OK to handle millions of concurrent goroutines in a server process? A goroutine itself is 4kb. So 1e6 goroutines would require 4gb of...
We can perform Demand-Driven Design (DDD) with the Go language. DDD is a practical approach to modelling complex business domains as entities and their interactions. For instance, we can implement a customer service platform using the DDD principles in the Go language. We can create maintainabl...
Domain-driven design is one of those topics that I feel is best learned with various resources. This isn't because one particular author does a poor job explaining it, but because it is a complex subject where developers need to apply their own judgement. Exploring various perspectives can gre...