go 中string与[]byte的互换,相信每一位 gopher 都能立刻想到以下的转换方式,我们将之称为标准转换。 // string to []byte s1 := "hello" b := []byte(s1) // []byte to string s2 := string(b) 强转换 通过unsafe 和 reflect 包,可以实现另外一种转换方式,我们将之称为强转换(也常常被人称作黑...
")y:=Bytes2String(x)z:=string(x)ify!=z{t.Fail()}}// 测试强转换功能funcTestString2Bytes(t*testing.T){x:="Hello Gopher!"y:=String2Bytes(x)z:=[]byte(x)if!bytes.Equal(y,z){t.Fail()}}// 测试标准转换string()性能funcBenchmark_NormalBytes2String(b*testing.B){x:=[]byte("Hello...
// NoAllocString convert []byte to string funcNoAllocString(buf []byte)string{ return*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)) } benchmark代码: // cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz // BenchmarkStringConvert // BenchmarkStringConvert-8 4310254 242.0 ns/op funcBenchmarkStringConvert...
大概意思就是说,要尽量避免[]byte和string的转换,因为转换过程会存在内存拷贝,影响性能。此外在fasthttp中还提出了一个解决方案,用于[]byte和string的高性能转换。直接看下源码: // b2s converts byte slice to a string without memory allocation. // See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/Golang-Nuts...
I am trying to convert a string to json. The string is already in json format like{ "system1": "Service 1", "System2": "Service2" } or{ "system1": "Service 1", "device": "Service 10", "Something": "port 22" } and so on. The number of this key-value...
将[]byte转为string,语法string([]byte)源码如下: funcslicebytetostring(buf*tmpBuf,b[]byte)string{l:=len(b)ifl==0{// Turns out to be a relatively common case.// Consider that you want to parse out data between parens in "foo()bar",// you find the indices and convert the subslice...
func main() { // 将字符串转换为整数 str := "42" value, err := strconv.Atoi...
funcAtoi(sstring)(iint, errerror) AI代码助手复制代码 如果传入的字符串参数无法转换为int类型,就会返回错误。 packagemainimport"fmt"import"strconv"funcmain(){ s1 :="100"i, err := strconv.Atoi(s1)iferr !=nil{ fmt.Println("can't convert to int") ...
What's the most efficient way (in performance) to convert []uint32 to and from []byte in Golang? for example: func main() { source := []uint32{1,2,3} dest := make([]byte, 4 * len(source)) // source to dest // ? check := len(dest)/4 // dest to check // ? } ...