Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickly create a Cobra application. 可以看出,用 cobra init 命令初始化的项目, 生成了一个初始化的应用框架,但是没有任何逻辑功能。仅仅输出一些描述性信息。 这个程序里,最重要的是 ...
package cmd import ( "fmt" "" ) var ( rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cobra", Short: "A generator for Cobra based Applications", Long: `Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickl...
go run main.go <<'COMMENT' A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains examples and usage of using your application. For example: Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickly create a Cobr...
Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickly create a Cobra application.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { fmt.Println("Hello Cobra CLI") }, } 这个时候我们在项目根目录下面执行如下命令进行构建...
Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickly create a Cobra application.`,// 长描述Run:func(cmd*cobra.Command,args[]string){// 执行方法fmt.Println("start fabrademo project\n")},}funcExecute(){iferr:=rootCm...
稍微复杂一点的结构,摘自Go project structure to produce library and cli with the same name in single repository Of course if your project is more complex, you may create further packages under the project root, and it may have multiple commands (multiple main packages),
Create Go App CLI- 通过命令行创建前后端项目的开发骨架 clean-gin- 基于 Gin 构建的整洁架构项目骨架...
Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications. This application is a tool to generate the needed files to quickly create a Cobra application. Usage: cobra [command] Available Commands: add Add a command to a Cobra Application ...
Database migrations written in Go. Use asCLIor import aslibrary. Migrate reads migrations fromsourcesand applies them in correct order to adatabase. Drivers are "dumb", migrate glues everything together and makes sure the logic is bulletproof. (Keeps the drivers lightweight, too.) ...
gomacosswiftcligolangsecurityiosappleresearchcommand-linetoolreverse-engineeringitunesipaappstoregolang-librarycommand-line-tool UpdatedMar 13, 2025 Go 一个很棒的Go框架、库和软件的中文收录大全。:alarm_clock:脚本定期与英文文档同步,包含了各工程star数/最近更新时间,助您快速发现优质项目。Awesome Go~ ...