vegeta4: :gokusuper…: :gokunice17: :dbfcgokug…: :9900super…: :songoku: :dbzgoku2o…: :gogeta90: :anime: :bulma32: :krillin: :kkgohan: :wgoku281: :quemrdqui…: :dbfcbeeru…: :think: :chaddestr…: :emoji17992: :dbfcgohan…: :depressoy…: :majinvege…: :beerushat…: :...
Vegeta wouldn't be enough besides that power or strength wasn't the only thing that mattered Thor has plenty of ways to wrap their fight up besides those two plus even if CC Vegeta's Numbers did match or surpass Thor's base that's just his base because currently Thor is the All-...