Goku began to remember more about his parents and how they loved him so much to risk their lives to save him. InXenoverse 2, despite his extreme hatred for his evil brother, he showed an interest in learning more about his parents. When learning that theFuture Warrioris training under his...
Black in his base form is able to defeat Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks before his trip to the past, no longer having to become a Super Saiyan to fight against him. While fighting Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, base Black was able to hold his own somewhat. As Super Saiyan, Black is able to...
side of where it's traditionally placed. Unlike this match's initial revisit, however, this isn't an error, as Dragon Ball FighterZ has the symbol there by default and properly flips it (while keeping the text intact, unlike Goku's Xenoverse model in the rematch) when Goku switches sides...
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