episode 69,Goku vs. Arale! An Off-the-Wall Battle Spells the End of the Earth? ↑Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai, 2006 ↑19.019.1Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, 2019 ↑Dragon Ball Online, 2010 ↑Universal Conflict Saga ↑Nekomajin, 1999 ...
This article is about the properly re-examined version of Death Battle's 25th episode. You may be looking for the original classic version of Goku VS Superman from 2013 or the publicly-stated-to-be-irrelevant sequel from 2015. Goku VS Superman is the 186
If not for Cell's regeneration, the saga would have ended right there. At the time, Vegeta couldn't even injure Perfect Cell, yet his Final Flash was strong enough to destroy him. Considering EOS Vegeta is much, much stronger than Perfect Cell, it really puts his power into pers...
Base forms for Goku and Vegeta, as well as Cooler and Fused Zamasu were the first characters to be revealed as part of theDragon Ball FighterZDLC Free Trial; with the first free trial(Goku and Vegeta) becoming available in Oc...
This article is about the original classic version of Death Battle's 25th episode. You may be looking for the publicly-stated-to-be-irrelevant sequel to Goku VS Superman from 2015 or the proper re-examination from 2023. Goku VS Superman, retroactively ti
Xeno Goku's history is very similar to his main timeline counterpart's with him being known to have experienced versions of the Frieza and Cell Sagas, but unlike his main counterpart, he encountered the movies Tree of Might, Lord Slug, and Fusion Reborn as well as the events of Dragon ...