Boomstick: Hell yeah! Soul Awakenedby Gregoire Marian Vladimir KornilukBoomstick: If there's any scene that deserves the word "epic", it's when he went gold. Super Saiyan and its sequels all have official power multipliers, but they threw us for a loop by turning Goku into a god. ...
a series called "Robotech" was released in America. This show was a mash-up of three different anime shows, edited together to come up with a new story for U.S. audiences. One of those shows was "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," one of the most influential anime...
Super Saiyan Infinity 1 All Saiyan Form Multipliers 2 Super Saiyan 100 3 DB Daima Power Levels 4 Veku 5 Energy of Erasure - The Power of Erasure manifested as Energy. Utilizes this for offensive and defensive capabilities such as coating his body in aura, which erases everything it touches....
Wiz: Born to dying races and sent to brave new worlds, these two alien saviors are legendary. Boomstick: And everybody wants to know who would kick who's ass in a fight. And I mean everyone!Wiz: Goku, the tenacious Super Saiyan. Boomstick: And Superman, the Man of Steel. ...