Exceptions to this rule are: Ssj4 Gogeta, Cell, DBS Broly and Beerus, because their DPs also hit behind them; Videl, Jiren, Cooler and UI Goku himself, because of their frame 1 counters. This tech will also not work if you 236L after 5H or 6S since those moves space out too much...
File:SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta Xeno.png Xeno Goku re-appears along with Xeno Vegeta.He later returns along with Xeno Vegeta and destroys Fu's laboratory. They then head to the battlefield to face the evil Saiyan, Cumber, saving Goku in the process. On Xeno Vegeta's suggestion the two fuse...
DBFZ THE STANCE (Janemba, Hit, Jiren) vs GINTOKI (Vegito, 18, ssj Goku) DRAGON B 77 -- 15:23 App DBFZ Hookganggod ( Kid Buu Piccolo ssj Goku ) vs iDom NY ( Gogeta Zamasu ssj Gok 66 -- 12:30 App DBFZ Jiren at his best by Zeta Ray Zeke feat. Adult Gohan - Beerus - Gok...
also i like this one ssj4 goku mod that gives him a new transformation so :P Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award Most Helpful Reviews In the past 30 days VenomusPrime 86 reviews Recommended Posted: 10 March Much better than the 23rd World Tournament DLC. The sto...
DBFZ Rebelo ( UI Goku Vegito Blueku ) vs asseater ( Broly Cell GT Goku ) DRAGON 54 -- 13:29 App DBFZ Zelaya ( Beerus UI Goku Gogeta ) vs Jiren The Saucy ( 17 Jiren SSJ Goku ) F 42 -- 26:45 App DBFZ Kaimart ( Broly DBS UI Goku Cooler ) vs kent333 ( UI Goku Kefla Bl...
If Goku can injure Freeza at SSJ1, he can most definitely deal some heavy damage to Clark. Survives a super nova I'm not entirely impressed with a character surviving an explosion of the thing that empowers them. If anything Superman should have gotten stronger, I'm not surprised...
ssjgod doesn't too... And what you call "looks okay" just surpasse what almost everyone has made here. Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes SSJ_Awsome425 - Sep 21 2014 - 275 comments SSJ God doesn't too? So, you're saying a character like Frieza doesn't fit in or Beerus?