has embraced his Saiyan heritage enough that he was willing to tellBrolyhis Saiyan name and requested that Broly refer to him as it. During the Granolah the Survivor Saga, upon learning about the noble side of his father, Goku became noticeably more intrigued to hear about him. Upon hearing...
Saiyan SagaMain articles: Raditz Saga and Vegeta Saga"That's enough! Even if it is true and I'm some kind of alien from another planet, or even if you really are my older brother, it doesn't matter, anyone who'd do the horrible things you say is no brother of mine! My name is...
Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Mira (Towa Absorbed) vs. Broly (Dark) Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Shroom (Demon God) Xeno Goku vs. Chi-Chi (GT) and Uub (GT; Majuub) Xeno Goku (Base/Super Saiyan) vs.Salsa(Demon God; second version) ...
Vegeta: Goku and Vegeta had a bitter start when they first met as enemies in the Saiyan Saga, but all of that changed as they quickly grew to become partners, best friends and allies so they could fight various villains and other threats in order to protect Earth and the universe while ...
Gohan's Saga"With the unlimited power of the Super Dragon Balls, I cast off my old skin. Here I stand, my mind in your stolen body, brimming with strength unimaginable!"— Gohan Black to Gohan in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Instead of observing Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken Goku in the ...