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For extremely obvious reasons this is beyond irrelevant to Goku's speed in the Saiyan Saga. Going by actual Saiyan Saga feats, Piccolo launched a blast to the Moon pretty quickly and his power level at the time was in the low-mid hundreds. (That blast also busted the Moon, if anyone fo...
has embraced his Saiyan heritage enough that he was willing to tellBrolyhis Saiyan name and requested that Broly refer to him as it. During the Granolah the Survivor Saga, upon learning about the noble side of his father, Goku became noticeably more intrigued to hear about him. Upon hearing...
"Power comes in response to a need, not a desire." 1,037 votes Love this quote? 7 The Warrior "I'm the Saiyan who came all the way from Earth for the sole purpose of beating you. I am the warrior you've heard of in the legends, pure of heart and awakened by fury - that's...
"Power comes in response to a need, not a desire." 1,037 votes Love this quote? 7 The Warrior "I'm the Saiyan who came all the way from Earth for the sole purpose of beating you. I am the warrior you've heard of in the legends, pure of heart and awakened by fury - that's...
Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4), Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue), Xeno Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Trunks (Super Saiyan God), Xeno Pan, Salsa and Putine vs. Janemba (Black) Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker) and Xeno Vegeta (Super Full Power Sai...
Saiyan Saga Goku could barely stand in x10 gravity at first let alone Kid Goku, Akira has brain damage. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote 34673 - Sep 23 2014 - 1,909 comments >Zaichi That's why kid arc and adult arc must be seen as separated. Because the adult seen like a ...
That's really a Saiyan Saga feat, it has no place here when we're debating powerhouse level characters. Great Ape Gohan easily lifted a similarly sized boulder over his head, and Vegeta even while half dead was more than a match for him.Keep in mind the Great Ape is like, 50...
Vegeta: Goku and Vegeta had a bitter start when they first met as enemies in the Saiyan Saga, but all of that changed as they quickly grew to become partners, best friends and allies so they could fight various villains and other threats in order to protect Earth and the universe while ...
Goku may be Dragon ball's strongest character, but he'd have trouble against some of these One Piece heavy hitters. ... However,Saiyan Saga Goku and beyond can pretty much solo One Piece. Can Naruto beat Goku in a fight? Goku has proven himself to be an incredibly great fighter and he...