While still in the city Goku meets back up with Yamcha, Oolong, and Puar. They decide to spend the day in the new theme park Dream Land, where they were stalked by a thief hired by the Red Ribbon Army, named Hasky. After being tricked by her she tries to get away with Goku's ...
When Goku finally makes it to King Kai's Planet, he mistakes King Kai's monkey, Bubbles, for the King himself, and he follows the monkey's actions until he meets the real King Kai. He is given ridiculous challenges before he starts his training, including having to tell King Kai a jok...
High School, Japan's top heroics institution. We soon learn that, like Izuku, there's a lot more to All Might than meets the eye. Based on the manga by Kohei Horikoshi — who's a huge fan of American superheroes and once went to see "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" dressed as Spider-...
(P.S this is the Remake of the "Goku (Next Future)" Page of Dragon Ball Next Future Wiki that was deleted) Son Goku (孫 悟空), also known as Omni-King Son Goku (オムニキング孫 悟空), is the Omni-King and the Main Protagonist in Dragon Ball: Next Future.
With such a staggeringly powerful character, who terrifies everyone who meets him, even the gods of destruction, it isdifficult to think he has any limits to his power. Is Zeus stronger than Zeno? Powers and Abilities He is also the true most powerful being of the Roman Mythology.Zeus is...
↑2.02.1During Gonta's finalFree Time Event, he reveals he lied about his Mountain Family being wolves, and they were instead actuallyReptites. ↑Kyōryūjin (恐竜人 Dinosaur Man) could refer to either the Dinomen featured in the Japanese franchiseYu-Gi-Oh(localized in English as Anthrosauru...