This article is about the properly re-examined version of Death Battle's 25th episode. You may be looking for the original classic version of Goku VS Superman from 2013 or the publicly-stated-to-be-irrelevant sequel from 2015. Goku VS Superman is the 186
"Mydad?! M-My dad is training you? What's he like? Is he nice? Is he mean? I've never met my dad before, so I was really surprised when you told me he's training you! Maybe I should go meet him... Ooh, I should bringGohan!" ...
While Black in the anime always manages to stay calm and never lose his composure, even when losing a battle, Black in the manga is more prone to losing his composure the moment things do not go his way. When losing his battle against Vegeta from the main timeline within said universe, ...
After a long battle, Vegeta is eventually defeated by Goku's Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb techniques, and the timely intervention of his remaining companions Krillin, Gohan and Yajirobe.[97] However Goku had been brutally beaten to near death, with his legs getting crushed and broken by Vegeta ...
After a long battle, Vegeta is eventually defeated by Goku's Kaio-ken and Spirit Bomb techniques, and the timely intervention of his remaining companions Krillin, Gohan and Yajirobe. However Goku had been brutally beaten to near death, with his legs getting crushed and broken by Vegeta in ...
Unlike most Saiyans, he had a strong concept of honour, enjoying battle, but not with bloodlust like the rest. One of the few Saiyans to openly rebel against Frieza; bravely attempts to blast Frieza, but the tyrant's Death Ball annihilated him and the vast majority of the Saiyans with ...
"The Raging Demon... its power is unequaled... it is not my fist but your past sins that will kill you... the more evil your past doings, the more painful your death..." —Akuma to M. Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3 The Shun Goku Satsu (瞬獄殺, Shun Goku
He briefly slept here along with the Ox-King during the Vegeta Saga Filler after he failed to inform Chi-Chi of Goku's death during the battle with Raditz and Gohan's abduction by Piccolo. Piccolo –During the Trunks Saga to readily train with Goku and Gohan, though apparently preferred ...
Goku's final battle with Jiren Goku feeling the side effects of Mastered Ultra Instinct Frieza and Goku Team Up Goku and Frieza combine their power to knock Jiren out of the ring. Goku sparring with Vegeta in the last scene of Dragon Ball Super Goku's Time Patrol counterpart, Xeno Goku Go...
According to wiki answers a heartbeat only lasts 0.857 seconds, and that's when you're calm. Jeez louise! And they were having entire battle sequences at those speeds as early as the Saiyan Saga?! When you consider that, instantaneous reflexes as a Full-Power Super Saiyan really...