This little low-class monkey boy would prove that hard work and dedication can beat raw talent. Within just a few years, he was so strong, the only worthy teachers left were gods!... and a talking cat, but mostly GODS! When you're training to dodge lightning, you know you're a ...
He is so powerful that not even that Omni-Kings would be able to beat him, thus making him the strongest Omni-King in existence. Ultimate Indestructibility: As the Omni-King, Goku has no physical, spiritual or mental weaknesses, giving him immunity to everything harmful, essentially ...
you realize your signature is a big meme" TheGMan123 MemberTitanosaurusOct-03-2019 5:43 AM As early as early Dragon Ball where Goku had surpassed Roshi, Goku would beat most forms of Godzilla besides the immortal ones like Hell Walker Godzilla. Roshi could already blow up the moon with a...
you realize your signature is a big meme" TheGMan123 MemberTitanosaurusOct-03-2019 5:43 AM As early as early Dragon Ball where Goku had surpassed Roshi, Goku would beat most forms of Godzilla besides the immortal ones like Hell Walker Godzilla. Roshi could already blow up the moon with a...