Although 214[L] and 214[M] aren't bad, 214[H] is the real moneymaker. UI Goku turns invisible and attacks extremely fast, all while carrying strike invuln through it too. 214[H]~L and 214[H]~S are your main left/right tools and are fantastic DR Crushes, but 214[H]~M can be ...
However, due to issues with the animation, the episode was pushed back to January 10th, 2013. This battle was originally going to have a scene set in Superman's mind where he used Torquasm-Vo to counter Goku's attempts to read his mind.[citation needed] The original script for this ...
214[H], meanwhile, does away with all the layered mindgames and essentially creates solo mixups for UI Goku, albeit expensive.214[H]~Lmakes the punch start up faster and gives it amuchmore ambiguous animation... while214[H]~Sserves as the other side of this coin, as a lightning fast...
The animation may look super cutesy, but don't be fooled — "Made in Abyss" isan anime that you shouldn't watch with your family. It starts out innocently enough, but once the action moves into the Abyss (the giant hole that the town of Orth is built around), things start getting da...