During the Majin Buu saga, Vegeta and Goku decided that protecting the world was more important than maintaining their individual forms and decided to fuse their forms. If this is true and Vegito will be making an appearance in Daima this could mark a massive moment for the series.The Potara...
Simply grab some pictures of your favorite characters, follow the guide, and change the details to create these new characters. Play With Colors and MediumsYou can also make this Goku sketch even better by playing with color and mediums. If you changed him to one of his Saiyan forms, then...
Most, like Goku’s alien race known as Saiyans, can become even stronger by powering up into better forms such as Super Saiyan.Hiro Clix is an article series that brings you specific characters from anime shows and puts them in HeroClix form. Continued below... As standard Goku would have...
How to Draw Goku from Dragonball Z Front View Step 1:Most Dragonball Z characters can be drawn using these basic shapes and proportions. Dragonball Z characters all have similarly constructed faces: they have large foreheads, slanted, triangular eyes, and small lower faces. Once you see how ...