However It seems your mod doesn't work with this mode, instead splitting the separate ALL forms. Would it be possible to maybe be able to group these in the future, so I can select the single base ALLFORMS GOKU matching the functionality of the other official characters?This can be ...
Goku giggles in excitement before immediately getting clocked in the face with a punch so hard, it forms a crack in reality that shows an alternate universe where GT Goku is battling Superman Blue in front of the Daily Planet.GT Goku: Kaio-ken!
Thanks, but nope for all forms, because it's too much.. If it had Earth Special Force transform systems i would put more tiers. ReplyGood karma+1 vote Gokento-Jul 20 2014- 28 comments two bugs: When i do the KAMEX10 There's no explosion. ...
The strongest forms are the most simple. Plus, it's an opinion. So, I think it looks "OKAY". I'm not a fan of too much things on a villain. You can't say it's fact because facts can be proven while opinions are based on one's preference. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote...