Two years later, Goku returns to Earth where he was confronted by a time traveller named Trunks, who travelled back from 20 years in the future. The teenage Super Saiyan had just killed both Mecha-Frieza and his father King Cold a few moments before Goku's arrival. Trunks then tests Goku...
This article is about the original character. For other uses, see Goku (disambiguation). Son Goku (孫そん悟ご空くう, Son Gokū), born Kakarot (カカロット, Kakarotto), is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is t
Seven years later, Super Saiyan Goku was noted to have 3,000 kili - power to destroy several planets. Vegeta noted that Super Saiyan 2 Goku surpassed Gohan's power when he defeated Super Perfect Cell. With just transforming into Super Saiyan 3, Goku causes worldwide earthquakes with Tien ...
The fight version of the track would later be uploaded to the Death Battle channel as part of their series of AMVs exclusive to Death Battle Champions, and Brandon Yates would eventually release a remastered version of the track on June 24th, 2024 that combines the downloadable and fight vers...
Three years later, two androids, Dr. Gero (as Android 20) and Android 19, appear and attack a city.[114] The Z Fighters confront them, and Yamcha is first to be attacked, having been impaled by Dr. Gero's hand and having his energy stolen. However, he is saved by the use of a...
keys into the notion that if there are Androids 16-20, then there must also be Androids 13-15. Super Android 13! gets a lot of mileage out of this concept, which becomes even greater by giving Vegeta and Future Trunks a lot to do. Vegeta takes out Android 15, while Future Trunks sli...
↑2.02.1During Gonta's finalFree Time Event, he reveals he lied about his Mountain Family being wolves, and they were instead actuallyReptites. ↑Kyōryūjin (恐竜人 Dinosaur Man) could refer to either the Dinomen featured in the Japanese franchiseYu-Gi-Oh(localized in English as Anthrosauru...
Son Goku dies. I don't have much sentiment for the characters I draw, but I feel a bit sad about the death of a character that I have been drawing for more than 10 years. I tried to think of other scenarios for the story, but Goku dying was the best one. I tried not to be ...
Adult Goku is still faster than Superman, but I'll get into that later. For now, let me address the feats posted for Superman. Striking Wonder Woman hard enough to send her plummeting into Earth from the Sun! Very impressive, however Superman was under mind control at the time...
A story beyond DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROTs main story...experience the final episode of the DRAGON BALL Z anime 10 years have passed since the epic battle with Majin Buu. Goku is about to participate in the World Tournament for the first time in a while when