In the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen, the character Gojo's full name is Satoru Gojo. Born on December 7, 1989, Satoru Gojo is renowned for his superpowers and is an alumnus of Jujutsu High. Provided by: Fandom What is Satoru Gojo's role at Tokyo Jujutsu High? Satoru Gojo,...
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日车审判宿傩 00:22 悠仁vs 胀相 Jujutsu kaisen「manga edit 」 00:23 “会赢的” 00:14 一看就是一对儿 00:12 Jujutsu Kaisen - Yuta and Itadori [Manga Edit] 00:22 麦百思哆弗兰多! 00:16 Ya Satoru… 00:25 坤条悟 Edit 00:17 当宿傩大爷遇到甚尔 00:16 Sukuna in Shibuya🔥 00:20 ...
Warning: Contains manga spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen. Summary Gojo Satoru is the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer with a complex personality and lineage. His powers include the Infinity, Blue, and Red, as well as the devastating Hollow Purple.
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Satoru Gojo is a main protagonist in the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. As a teacher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, he is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer. His mission is to reform the jujutsu world through his education, and foster a new gene
HomeToys & ModelsJujutsu Kaisen Satoru Gojo 1/7 Scale Monochrome Ver Stat (C: Relisted From Estream. From Jujutsu Kaisen comes a 1/7-scale figure of Satoru Gojo in an all-new monocromatic color scheme! He measures nearly 10' tall and is fixed on a themed effect base. The powerul...
Sideshow and FURYU Corporation are excited to present the Satoru Gojo Figure! From the hit manga and television series Jujutsu Kaisen, comes one of the main protagonists and teacher standing at 9.44" with his white spiked up hair and bright blue eyes. He is seen in his matching high-necked ...
The latest comment from the manga editor ofJujutsu Kaisenhas ignited a firestorm among fans of Satoru Gojo, the beloved character known as the strongest sorcerer in the series. Gojo's popularity soared after his controversial death in the story, with fans rallying behind him for his st...