The story’s a little more convoluted than that. Trump put sanctions on companies working on the Russian pipeline, a move pushed by Ted Cruz – the Republican senator representing the big natural gas state of Texas. Trump’s move miffed Germany, which had wanted ...
Like chocolate chip cookies and penicillin, Silly Putty was created by accident in 1943 during an engineer's attempt to create synthetic rubber for the war effort. It didn't fill the government's need, so it languished in obscurity until this year when toy store owner Ruth Fallgetter was c...
but once again, as of this writing, I have not heard anything back. Until we get some more info, the best I can find when searching google for Chainsaw Cat, is several amazing memes & cosplay!
“It creates this environment of amazing creativity and inspiration. People are riffing off one another, and you’re getting these memes and trends being born on TikTok.” Quick to declare someone passé and move on, Gen Z has already dubbed summer 2019 — yup, less than eight month...