keep in mind, when i went there a month ago, we got in at 9AM, and we IMMEDIATELY got a Timed Area Ticket and the earliest we could get was 6:30PM, and when you get there at 6:30, you still fall in line before you get to the area. then you line up again f...
Amazing how an ice cold pepsi can revive one, with that great combination of caffeine and sugar! When I got back to my rooms, I napped for about 2 hours, and it was all worth it, to see the oldest ruins I have ever seen, not to mention the camels. Camels! And here I am in ...
All those likes and tattoos didn't happen overnight, either. The Razer Toaster fan-based started in September 2013 when Withers made a deal with Tan: get a million likes on his page, and the CEO would find a way to make the toaster. It's unclear where the one tattoo equals 100,000...