224 PP | 6" x 9" | Paper | $19.95 isbn 978-1-55145-515-0 CD $19.95 isbn 978-1-55145-516-7 SET $37.95 This popular inclusive language hymnbook re- flects a worldwide, ecumenical heritage. Words and Music with Large Print 8.5" x 11" | Paper Coil Bound | $16.95 isbn 978-0-...
I wish I could record that I went back and watched the finish of the film but I just hung about for a few minutes until the coast was clear, then (though nothing had happened to me) ran home in mild distress. I told my mother, who became satisfyingly hysterical, but Dad, a shy an...
In the words of the Bishop of Wakefield’s inspiring hymn And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph song, and hearts are brave again, and arms are strong! Our hearts are renewed and encouraged, at the very least – all is not lost. Some ...