Going back to school as an adult can be incredibly fulfilling. There are personal and financial details you'll want to think about beforehand. Learn more here.
Move over, pencil crayons and backpacks: Going back to school as an adult is a different ball game. Maybe you’re going back to school full time, or maybe you’re getting ready to add some professional development courses to your resume. Maybe you’re a lifelong learner who is starting ...
No doubt, returning to school while raising a family feels challenging. You have to think about your kids while also juggling your studies. However, going back to school as an adult is not impossible. Tips For Parents Going Back To School There are a variety of reasons to return to school...
Going Back to College as an Adult More Getty Images Before applying to college, start thinking about how much time you're able to devote to school and how many classes per semester are feasible. Completing a college degree is not an easy feat. It is especially challenging...
Going Back to College as an Adult: What to Consider. "People who have served in the military add tremendously to the conversations in the classroom and out of the classroom," Wei says. "Our traditional-age undergraduates are incredibly bright, talented and accomplished. But they simply don't...
Considerations for Going Back to School Top 5 Reasons for Adults to Get a College Degree It’s never too late to improve your education. Should I Go to School Full-time? Learn the pros and cons of enrolling as a full-time student. ...
Falling in love with Jenna all over again as an adult, Matt lets his attraction for her grow without being honest with his fiancée. He goes so far as to kiss Jenna; his girl certainly deserves more than a cover-up as their wedding day approaches. [Spoiler Warning] Once Jenna returns ...
As a sometimes-solo guy, I set an intention to introduce myself to and compliment five cute people before I leave. It gives me a fun, flirty and tangible goal to reach by the end of the night that has nothing to do with sex. Set your expectations low. If I make out with someone ...
Despite the pressures of work, family, and a mortgage, adults can find encouragement to go back to school with this guide to researching and applying to graduate, undergraduate, and certificate programs. With expanded information on applications, financial aid, admission interviews, on-campus adult ...
1. What benefits are there to studying part-time while also working? 2. What are the benefits to a business if a worker takes a part-time course? 3. In what ways could someone’s experience of the workplace benefit them in adult education?