@DBSKAKERU1's artwork showcases unique and stunning depictions of characters like Trunks, Gohan, Chi-Chi, and Goku, outside of established canon, with stellar results. Dragon Ball Super’s 2022 movie,Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, proved to be an epic anime event that sawGohanascend to a...
Son Gohan, Power Reclaimed focuses on Gohan's redemption as he returned to form inDragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool for moreDragon Ball Super Card Gamepreviews fromZenkai Series: Fighter's Ambition. Stay tuned for more as well as other reveals from upcomingDBSCGproduc...
Super Saiyan Future Gohan and Super Saiyan Blue Goku performing the Father-Son Kamehameha during the battle with Supervillain Janemba and his clones inXenoverse As part of an update DLC story scenario, Future Gohan comes to the aid of Xeno Trunks,Future Pikkon, and the Conton City Hero while ...