Broly (DBS) Captain Ginyu Cell Cooler Frieza Gogeta (SSGSS) Gogeta (SS4) Gohan (Teen) Gohan (Adult) Goku Goku (Super Saiyan) Goku (SSGSS) Goku (Ultra Instinct) Goku (GT) Goku Black Gotenks Hit Janemba Jiren Kefla Kid Buu Krillin Majin Buu Master Roshi...
In the Dragon Ball Super manga, Gogeta is able to overwhelm Full Power Super Saiyan Broly using his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. In Dragon Ball GT, Gogeta is shown to be able to effortlessly defeat Omega Shenron, who had previously made light work of Super Saiyan 4 Goku & Vegeta. Accord...