Connection to GOG Galaxy Communication Service was lost and could not be restored! GOG Galaxy will now shutdown重装系统之前可以正常使用无问题。重装系统之后重新安装了GOG Galaxy,就出现这个问题。有没有能帮忙解决的大神?网上有人说删掉GalaxyCommunicationService.ini,但是我没有这个文件。 送TA礼物 1楼2018... For others, Galaxy can't get past your computer's firewall and that needs to be checked. I would start there as well as scanning the previous threads on the topic to see if anything looks good. ...
* Fixed one of the tracked locations in the Cultists/Church of the Light chain being the centre of the galaxy * Fixed the tooltips and fancy icon frames of the species in the colony ship construction interface being mismatched (saying that every species but your founder species was the foun...
Great customer service! Quick and effective. I was locked out of my account because I lost access to my previous email. I contacted them and after several verification messages they quickly resolved my problem and I was able to regain access to my account. Very attentive, quick to respond an...
Open Source implementation of GOG Galaxy's Communication Service This project aims to implement calls made by game through SDK. Note: that means it can't and won't replace Communication Service in official client This will provide minimal and platform-agnostic SDK. For use in game launchers lik...
and it had to be reset. You can use the Scan &. Import functionality to re-add your games to GOG Galaxy. Your save games, achievements and game time data are safely stored on our servers and were not affected." FOLLOWED BY: (2) "Connection to Communication Service was lost and could...
Please remove this stupid counter and move the communication to some menu to click on and consume while not busy building or watching what's going on. Ditto for the A.I.'s introspection. Move it to someplace else and add whatever as flavor text to a diary or log instead of having me ...
- [Windows] Crash reporter has been added to Galaxy Communication Service Bugfixes: - Prevented several potential causes of "broken" games, where only way out was reinstalling - [MacOS] Fixed a crash on shutdown when fatal error was shown ...
Unique Party System– multiple characters in one demon, each retaining their own personalities with internal dialogues, rivalries and communication between the characters. Wide variety of Skills and Characters– Choose from 3 heroes, each with their own personal storylines, quests and dialogues. Consume...
- [Windows] Crash reporter has been added to Galaxy Communication Service Bugfixes: - Prevented several potential causes of "broken" games, where only way out was reinstalling - [MacOS] Fixed a crash on shutdown when fatal error was shown 1.2.50 (December 13, 2018) Changes & Improv...