GOG GALAXY 版本:v2.0.0.2 大小:603K 语言:简体中文 类别:游戏平台 类型:国产软件 授权:免费软件 更新:2024-03-10 厂商:CD Project Red 标签:游戏平台端游购买软件 环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9.1 详情介绍 GOG GALAXY是以提供经典和DRM-free数字游戏而闻名的在线游戏分销平台。该平台汇聚海量...
STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™ -64%¥42¥15 The Saboteur™ -75%¥142¥35 Vote now GOG 是收藏和游戏您的 Good Old Games 的地方。 我们秉持着 玩家至上的方针 以及拥有权 的核心价值为玩家们打造最佳的游戏环境。 探索GOG GALAXY 今日促销 在特卖结...
Since its launch, the indie gaming client GOG Galaxy has implemented various changes and improvements to its platform, ensuring that it always provides nothing but top-notch service. First, it added the“From your wishlist” sectionto the Discover view, giving quick access to information about use...
gog平台又称之为gog游戏平台,英文名称gog galaxy,是由cd projekt red推出的一款全新的游戏平台商店客户端,类似于steam平台,但该平台的游戏库界面更精美,可对游戏图标大小进行自定义的调节,对游戏进行个人的评分,以及对游戏进行自定义分类。而且可将各平台的游戏都整合到功能齐全、界面美观的游戏库中,记录你在各平台上...
Description Lost Ruins is a 2D side-scrolling survival action game, where you play as a young girl that has awoken in a strange and foreign place without her memories. Explore a dark and dangerous world, battle hideous monsters, and topple incredible bosses. ...
“Good Old Games”, is adigital distribution platformfor video games and films operated by GOG, which is a subsidiary of CD Projekt—best known forThe Witchervideo game series. On the other hand, GOG Galaxy is its intuitive gaming client that can combine all of your PC’s gamesinto one ...
Genres – Features – App Free May include in-app purchases Get Add To Cart Add to Wishlist Developer GOG Publisher GOG Release Date 10/27/22 Platform Windows Share Report Follow Us External Links GOG GALAXY System Requirements
GOG Galaxy In the CD Projekt RED company update in June 2014, GOG.com announced that it would be bringing a Steam-like client, GOG Galaxy, to Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. The client is designed as a storefront, software delivery, and social network client, allowing players to buy ...
官方客户端 GOG Galaxy 因为这些特点,GOG.com 已经渐渐发展壮大,成为备受不少 PC 玩家喜爱的游戏平台。近期,GOG.com 又举办了一场「夏日大减价」特卖活动,有一千多款游戏参与打折,且持续到本月 18 号。来看看这次大特卖有啥游戏值得「喜加一」吧!
除了安装Windows外,外媒GameSpot还给出了另外一个游玩GOG游戏的方案:开源平台Lutris。 Lutris可以启动来自于GOG,Epic商城和其他Linux数字平台上的游戏。理论上它会兼容SteamDeck的原生SteamOS系统(基于Linux系统)。 值得一提的是,很长时间以来,国外的GOG用户一直在恳求CDP为Linux系统发布一个GOG Galaxy客户端。如果CDP将来...