I'd love GOG galaxy on my s20ultra. Even if it's as basic as the xbox android app to begin with. It would be great to get games on my phone too, phones these days are more than capable of running gog's. Mines got a 8core cpu, a dedicated gpu, 16gb ram, 120hz 3200x1440 am...
GOG GALAXY 2.0 allows you to combine multiple game libraries into one and connect with your friends across all gaming platforms, consoles included!
Since its launch, the indie gaming client GOG Galaxy has implemented various changes and improvements to its platform, ensuring that it always provides nothing but top-notch service. First, it added the“From your wishlist” sectionto the Discover view, giving quick access to information about use...
GOG GALAXY Discover Browse News GOG GALAXYcontains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth View ourprivacy policy MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue Discover a hand-picked selection of Good Old Games and great modern ...
Yes. By linking your Steam account, you can view, organize, and launch Steam games from within the app.How does GOG Galaxy handle DRM?The app emphasizes DRM-free games, but it supports DRM-protected titles from linked platforms, like Steam, without imposing any additional DRM.Can I play ...
gog平台又称之为gog游戏平台,英文名称gog galaxy,是由cd projekt red推出的一款全新的游戏平台商店客户端,类似于steam平台,但该平台的游戏库界面更精美,可对游戏图标大小进行自定义的调节,对游戏进行个人的评分,以及对游戏进行自定义分类。而且可将各平台的游戏都整合到功能齐全、界面美观的游戏库中,记录你在各平台上...
Since its launch, the indie gaming client GOG Galaxy has implemented various changes and improvements to its platform, ensuring that it always provides nothing but top-notch service. First, it added the“From your wishlist” sectionto the Discover view, giving quick access to information about use...
1、首先,我们要进入GOG GALAXY官网进行客户端下载; 官网地址:https://www.gogalaxy.com/zh-cn/ 2、点击下方的下载按钮,进行GOG GALAXY 客户端下载、安装即可~ 二、gog平台注册方法: 1、下载完成后,点击注册新账号; 2、然后输入你常用的邮箱、密码即可完成注册~ ...
"We believe that the app should be as lightweight as possible, and with every version, we do best to decrease its CPU footprint."Always optional"Beyond all these features, GOG Galaxy will never be mandatory. And that’s a great motivation for us - we want to make it so good, that ...
GOG Galaxy是PC游戏数字分发平台GOG的客户端,旨在为玩家提供便捷的游戏下载、安装和更新体验,同时整合了所有主流游戏平台的功能。 来自Android客户端3楼2024-09-09 15:48 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1...