Within weeks of his return to Frankfurt, however, Goethe’s engagement to Lili was at an end. Evidently, his hometown had come to seem suffocatingly provincial to him, its horizons too narrow for anyone interested in a truly nationalGerman literature. He had an invitation to visit the court...
The Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) is a center for academic excellence in teaching and research. It was established as a non-profit foundation in 2002 by Goethe University Frankfurt am Main with the support of many prominent institutions. ...
DiedeutscheSprachealsMittelsozialistischerauswärtiger Kulturpolitik(Frankfurt,Berlin:Peter Lang, 2002), 50–51.2Herdervs. Goethein Egypt65 culturaland laterdiplomatic relations.The initiative for traderelationsinitiallycamefromEgypt.AnEgyptiandelegationvisitedEastBerlinin July 1950 insearchof newmarkets for...
In taking on the part of another, Wilhelm comes to think of himself as a public personality, yet this new understanding remains intimately rooted in his private identity. He neither dissolves in an anonymous mass nor sub-mits his actions to an external ideology; instead, he emerges from his ...
Matthias Wagner of the Goethe University Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. The Si20 hollow bodies, which have been isolated by his PhD student, Jan Tillmann, are always filled with a chloride ion. The Frankfurt chemists therefore suppose that the cage forms itself around the anion,...
while still living in Frankfurt, Goethe clearly expressed his enthusiasm for the dissolution of all forms. ‘…It seemed to me that the unity of the place was so notoriously restrictive, the unity of action and time annoying chains on our imagination.’60In Weimar and, during his stay in It...