doi:10.3200/GERR.80.2.143-163SusanneUniversityVees-GulaniUniversityInformaworldGermanic Review Literature Culture TheoryVees-Gulani, Susanne. "From Frankfurt's Goethehaus to Dresden's Frauenkirche: Architecture, German Identity, and Historical Memory after 1945." The Germanic Review 80.2 (2005): 143-...
Santayana’s book was first published in 1910. It’s based on a lecture course that he regularly gave at Harvard University. This book highlights the place of German culture in the American mind at the onset of the 20th century. With the beginning of the First World War in 1914 (which ...
The society of Frankfort [Frankfurt] seemed to him far less agreeable than that of Leipsic [Leipzig]; he contrasted the cold, stiff, formal, old-fashioned life of the imperial city with the freshness, geniality, and intellectual activity of the Saxon university. His family relations were not p...
According to Arno Müller, the Frankfurt city archive holds "between 12 and 1 o'clock". The time of 12.30 is a guess based on this information. The difference between LAT and LMT is very small for that date, less than one minute. ...
DiedeutscheSprachealsMittelsozialistischerauswärtiger Kulturpolitik(Frankfurt,Berlin:Peter Lang, 2002), 50–51.2Herdervs. Goethein Egypt65 culturaland laterdiplomatic relations.The initiative for traderelationsinitiallycamefromEgypt.AnEgyptiandelegationvisitedEastBerlinin July 1950 insearchof newmarkets for...
In the year 1772, a German translation of the Koran was printed in his native city, prepared by the Frankfurt professor Megerlin, Even before this book appeared in the autumn book-fair, Goethe got possession of the proof-sheets, possibly because the publisher sent them to him for a review...
Klaus Manger (Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, 1986), 573. Further references to this work will appear in parentheses in the text. of the world. This was the fundamental assumption of German historicism, which in turn paved the way for the nineteenth-century idea of nationalism....
Born:August 28, 1749 in Frankfurt, Germany Parents:Johann Kaspar Goethe, Katharina Elisabeth née Textor Died:March 22, 1832 in Weimar, Germany Education:Leipzig University, University of Strasbourg Selected Published Works:Faust I(1808),Faust II(1832),Sorrows of Young Werther(1774),Wilhelm Meister...
In September 1771 Goethe returned to Frankfurt, ostensibly to begin a law career but in fact to begin the most visible literary career in German history. During this time Goethe began to practice law both in Frankfurt and in Wetzlar, seat of the supreme ...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(born August 28, 1749,Frankfurt am Main[Germany]—died March 22, 1832,Weimar, Saxe-Weimar) was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist, considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era. ...