Albert Salomon, „Goethe“. In:Die Gesellschaft. Internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik9, 1. Halbband, 1932, S. 233–259. In der englischen Übersetzung von Jonathan Steinberg erschienen als „Goethe (1932)“. In: Albert Salomon,In Praise of Englightenment. Cleveland, New-York...
J. W. Von Goethe Abstract I mentioned Marlowe’sFaust.He burst out into an exclamation of praise. ‘How greatly is it all planned!’ He had thought of translating it. He was fully aware that Shakespeare did not stand alone. Download to read the full chapter text Chapter PDF John Jump C...
Goethe finished writing Faust Part Two in 1832, the year of his death. In contrast to Faust Part One, the focus here is no longer on thesoulof Faust, which has been sold to thedevil, but rather on social phenomena such as psychology, history and politics. The second part formed the pr...
Adolph. Hepner
Goethe: Faust I. By Michael Beddow. (Critical Guides to German Texts, vii). London: Grant & Cutler, I986. Pp. 96. Goethe's Faust. By John R. Williams. (Unwin Critical Library). London &c: Allen & Unwin, I987. Pp. (xviii) + 248 Rowley, B.A. Journal of European...
This deployment of the autobiographical narratives helps to foreground her construction of a transnational Dominican Republic that is based on a transformative history of the self. As a result of the...doi:10.1080/09593683.2017.1368930Martin SwalesPublications of the English Goethe Society...
Zusammenfassung Es ist kein leichtes Unterfangen, eine knappe Übersicht von der dicht bevölkerten Landschaft der neueren italienischen Goetheforschung zu skizzieren. Man dürfte nämlich zugespitzt sagen, daß es unter den zahlreichen italienischen (sowohl akademischen als auch nicht-akademisc...